Region Bids

Bids to Girls and Boys Junior National Championships (JNC) 2023

Girls JNC – 11-13 – June 21-24, Dallas, TX

Girls JNC – 14-17 – July 3-11, Las Vegas, NV

Girls 18 JNC – April 26-28, Baltimore, MD

Boys JNC – June 26-July 3, Dallas, TX

HOA Region Bid Allocations for the 2023-24 season:

11 National bid: 1 (This bis will be awarded at the Bid Event, 11 Premier Division)
12 National Bid: 1
12 American Bids: 3
13 National Bids: 2
13 American Bids: 2
14-17 National Bids:2
14-17 American Bids: 2
14-17 Freedom Bids: 1
18 National Bids: 2
18 American Bids: 2
18 Freedom Bids: 1

Boys 16 American Bid: 1
Boys 18 American Bid: 1

HOA Region – Bid Process to Junior National Championships (JNC)
1. National, USA and Liberty Division Bids *will be awarded through the Powerleague, based on final finishes. The highest finishing team will be awarded the highest available Bid. This applies to the 12-18 Premier Divisions.* If a team from the Region has earned a USA Division or a Liberty Division Bid at a National Qualifier, and subsequently earns and accepts a higher Bid, their original USA or Liberty Bid will then become a “Region” Bid and will be awarded through the Powerleague.11 National bid: Bid will be awarded at the Premier Regional Championships.Any team that accepts or declines a Bid prior to the Premier Regional Championships will not be allowed to compete in that event.
2. American and Freedom Bids will be awarded through the Premier Region bid events. If a team from the Region has earned an American Division Bid at a National Qualifier, and subsequently earns and accepts a higher Bid, their original American Bid will then become a “Region” Bid and will be awarded at the American division of the Region Bid Event. Any team that accepts or declines a Bid (any level) prior to the Region Bid Event will not be allowed to compete in that event. If more Bids become available than there are teams from the Powerleague finish (for National, USA and Liberty bids) and the top 6 finishers from the Region Bid Event, American division, or the top 4 finishers from the Region Bid Event, Freedom division, the HOA Region rankings will be used to award the Bid(s).
If an additional American division bid comes available (past top 6 finishers of American Region bid Event), this bid will be awarded either the highest ranked team that does not have any bid, or to the highest ranked team that has a Freedom bid. In the last scenario, the vacated Freedom bid will go to the next team in line from the Freedom Region Bid Event.
If an additional Freedom division bid comes available (past top 4 finishers of Freedom Region Bid Event), the bid will go to the highest ranked team from the ranking system, which does not have a Bid, at the moment the Bid becomes available.
Only Premier level teams can participate in the Girls Region Bid Events. Teams are required to play in their own age bracket in the Region Bid Events but can select either the American or Freedom division (when available). Request to change divisions must be made at least 4 weeks before the event.
3. Accepting or Declining Bids:Region Bids are all Bids that are distributed through the Region. This includes Bids earned by Region teams at Qualifiers, which have then upgraded their Bids. These Qualifier Bids then become Region Bids.
– Decline a Region Bid: Once you decline a Region Bid – you will forfeit any other Region Bids that may become available (a team that has been awarded a Bid through the Region has to accept the highest offered Bid or will decline any Region Bid). Unless stated otherwise in the Championship Manual, a team who has a Bid from a National Qualifier and declines a higher Region Bid, declines all Region Bids, but keeps the Bid from the National Qualifier.
– Any Bid to the Junior National Championships must either be accepted or declined before 3:00 PM of the first Monday following the conclusion of the last round of the Power League or Region Bid Event. Notice to accept or decline must be made in writing or email, signed by the subject team’s coach or club director, and delivered to the HOA office by the above-prescribed deadline. If such notice is not received in the prescribed form and by the above-referenced deadline, the Bid will be offered to the next finisher. If such occurs, the next finisher will have 24 hours to either accept or decline the Bid.
– A team that accepts a JNC Bid from the Region is required to submit all appropriate forms and fees that may be required by the JNC registration process. It is highly recommended that each team makes itself aware of all requirements.
– Any team allowing a Bid to ‘”drop’” and be lost for use by an HOA team, may be subject to sanctions, including but not limited to: being denied entry into the following season’s HOA Powerleague and/or the Region Bid Event. It is imperative that a team that has accepted a Bid for JNC, notifies the HOA office immediately if unable to attend. This increases the likelihood that another HOA team can attend.
4. Unforeseen circumstances: Powerleague: In case the Powerleague finishes are inconclusive, all Bids will default to the American Division of the Region Bid Event.
Regional Championships: If the Region Bid Event can’t be held, the HOA Region rankings will be used to award the American and Freedom Division Bid(s). The Bids will go to the highest ranked teams from the ranking system, that do not have a Bid at that moment. Teams that have secured a bid, or have declined a Bid are no longer eligible to compete in the Region Bid Events.



2024 11’s Division

Team Bid
Dynasty 11-1 NQ
PVA 11-1 NQ
MAVS KC 11-2 *N
Pohaku 11-1 RN
2024 12’s Division

Team Bid
Dynasty 12-1 NQ
KC Power 12-1 RN
MAVS 816 12-1 *N
Dynasty 12-2 *UQ
Apex 12-1 *UQ
PVA 12-1 A
Pohaku 12-1 A
Mizuno Club North 12-1 *A
2024 13’s Division

Team Bid
Dynasty 13-1 OQ
KC Power 13-1 OQ
PVA 13-1 *N
KC Power 13-2 *N
MAVS 816 13-1 UQ
Tamales 13-1 *UQ
Pohaku 13-1 *LQ
KC Challenge 13-1 A
Invasion 13-1 *A
2024 14’s Division

Team Bid
Dynasty 14-1 OQ
KC Power 14-1 OQ
PVA 14-1 OAL
MAVS 816 14-1 *N
Mizuno Club North 14-1 *N
Dynasty 14-2 UQ
Topeka Saints 14-1 *UQ
Apex 14-1 UQ
913 Athletics 14-1 *UQ
Invasion 14-1 LQ
MAVS KC 14-3 *LQ
Club North VB KC 14-1 AQ
MAVS 816 14-2 AQ
417 Juniors 14-1 AQ
KC Power 14-2 AQ
417 Columbia 14-1 *AQ
PVA 14-2 *A
St. Joe Storm 14-1 *A
Shockwave 14-1 RA
SKC Juniors 14-1 *F
Central Kansas Rampage 14-1 RF
2024 15’s Division

Team Bid
KC Power 15-1 OQ
PVA 15-1 OQ
Dynasty 15-1 OAL
MAVS 816 15-1 *N
MAVS KC 15-1 *N
Invasion 15-1 *UQ
Manhattan Mayhem 15-1 LQ
Pohaku 15-1 *LQ
KC Power 15-2 AQ
417 Columbia 15-1 AQ
Missouri Juniors 15-1 *A
417 Juniors 15-1 *A
Club North VB KC 15-1 F
Dynasty 15-2 RF
2024 16’s Division

Team Bid
Pohaku 16-1 OQ
MAVS 816 16-1 N
KC Power 16-1 *N
Invasion 16-1 UQ
PVA 16-1 LQ
Dynasty 16-1 A
Mizuno Club North 16-1 *A
Summit 16-1 F
2024 17’s Division

Team Bid
Dynasty 17-1 OAL
PVA 17-1 *N
KC Power 17-1 *N
CSDP 17-1 UQ
MAVS 816 17-1 UQ
417 Juniors 17-1 *UQ
Alpha Omega 17-1 A
KS Networks 17-1 A
Mizuno Club North 17-1 RA
Invasion 17-1 F
Dynasty 17-2 RF
2024 18’s Division

Team Bid
KC Power 18-1 OQ
Pohaku 18-1 OQ
KC Power 18-2 N
417 Juniors 18-1 N
Mizuno Club North 18-1 UQ
MAVS KC 18-2 *UQ
PVA 18-1 UAL
Invasion 18-1 *LQ
Dynasty 18-1 *LQ
KC Challenge 18-1 *LQ
Dynasty 18-2 AQ
KS Networks 18-1 A
Club North VB KC 18-1 F
Alpha Omega 18-1 RF
2024 Boy’s Divisions

Team Bid
MAVS Boys 14-1 UQ
True North VBA 16-1 A
MAVS Boys 18-1 UQ
Summit Volleyball Club 18-1 UQ
FSC Cougars 18-1 A

Q = Bid From Qualifier
O = Open Division
N = National Division
U = USA Division
L = Liberty Division
A = American Division
F = Freedom Division
R = Re-allocated from USAV
AL = At Large
C = Club Division (For the boys Championships)
* = Trickle down through the Region